Sunday, January 24, 2010

RwK - Lost In The Haze

Hear The Track Here

Accurate depiction of my mis-spent youth as it happens, but that's neither here nor there and certainly something which would tarnish my reputation. Naah, let's be honest, my reputation is with my youth - laying in the dust. Let's just say I was a mixture of curious, foolhardy and drug addled and not necessarily in that order. So, let me just dispense with this public washing of sordid pasts, and we'll get on. RwK could stand for both Raaawwwwkkk and Rick something something and probably does but - being a Mix Radio fan and listener - I know also that RwK does indeed stand for rock in general and axewielders in particular, as his music shows.

I've heard lots and lots of his tracks on the radio but only - so far - reviewed a couple, and one of those was a collaboration with Mike-K. I did like Distant Light (December 2009), a kinda early Pink Floydian sound that - considering Rick is an American - was amazingly authentic. Neat trick. Lost In The Haze is actually named after the Marshall Haze 40 combo guitar amp. T'was foolish indeed to think it would have been about drugs, when Rick is the consummate machinehead; he WOULD be talking about gear. Only shady coves like me instantly think about...well, enough. RwK is one of a handful of guitarists I would truly want to listen to on a regular basis, and Mixposure has loads of good guitarists but only a few who really make the instrument sing with emotional content. So much so that I have compared his style to Peter Green which, in my books, is a huge compliment to his style.

Lost in the Haze is essentially a two guitar, bass and drums jam and, truth to tell, it's musically uncomplicated. You may even, at first glance pass it by because of its apparent plainness but that would be the wrong impression. Give yourself time to sink into the way this guitarist wanders from theme to theme, always with such beautiful tone and phrasing. The work with the wah-wah on this is knockout and, had it been used more, it would become overworked - as it was it left me wanting to hear more of it. So I played it again. As I say, best to give this guitar instrumental some time to work its way into your brain and if guitar instrumentals bring on dizzy spells best to avoid at all costs. Me? I'm rockin'..

Highly Recommended Guitar instrumental.

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